
The content on this site comes from a group of people who love the Lord and desire to encourage others in ministry. The information they share or ideas they suggest come from real-life journies, trials, failures, and successes. We hope you find what is shared information helpful.

Josh & Lindsey McClennahan

Josh and Lindsey...

Tyler & Rachel Rudek

Tyler and Rachel...

Bill and Lauri Williams

Bill & Lauri

Lauri and Bill met in college in 1978 and married in 1979. They were blessed with four amazing children who are adults now, each with an amazing spouse.  Plus, they currently have four wonderful grandchildren.


Bill worked in the air transportation industry for 15 years, fulfilling positions in Oklahoma City from the tarmac, operations, and sales to district and corporate management in Irvine, California. As a Director of North America, he was responsible for customer service, operations, pickup & delivery, facilities, cargo loads, aircraft ground handling, and surface transportation for 115 company offices throughout the U.S. He traveled frequently to many major airport cities during this time, along with working with labor unions in New York and Miami.  Lauri and Bill returned to Oklahoma in 1992, where he joined a publishing, advertising, and distribution company as a General Manager.  

After many years in business, God called Bill into full-time vocational ministry in 1997. He served vocationally as an Executive Pastor at a large metropolitan church, planted a rural church, and now serves as a Senior Pastor/Elder at a 1,400+ member church. In addition to his duties as Senior Pastor, he is involved in various leadership roles in their community, including serving on various for-profit and non-profit boards and councils. 

Bill loves to camp, fish, hike, bike, and ride motorcycles. Some of his favorite areas to recreate include Oklahoma and surrounding states. He has enjoyed multiple trips to South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Virginia, Sturgis, Yellowstone, and the Grand Canyon.


Lauri worked in the air transportation industry for 5+ years. She was blessed that she could be home when their children were born. Once their children became school-age, Lauri began homeschooling.  She continued this with their children for 13 years. When Bill & Lauri planted a church in a rural community, they began to transition their kids into the local public school. During these years, Lauri led a homeschool coop, wrote for a state newsletter, and had a cottage business. 

Later, after all the kids were in high school and college, Lauri worked various jobs.  She was a copyshop agent, server and shift lead in a local restaurant, and loan processor. Then she entered the medical field, where she trained in phlebotomy and was certified as a medical assistant. Later Lauri became a trainer and continues to serve a large clinic and multiple doctors, PAs, and staff. All of this while also being part of and supporting Bill in his full-time vocational role as a pastor and church planter.

Lauri also loves to read, camp, hike, and bike. Her favorite areas to recreate include Oklahoma and surrounding states, Colorado, and Virginia, with multiple visits to the Grand Canyon and Colorado.